Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I will let you in if you let it all out

Now is the time to make some good big decisions. Am I ready? Will I ever be ready? 

It seems so easy when I'm looking in. They seem to know all the secrets. What am I missing? Should I pretend that all is well when I know that isn't so?

Time is not my best friend, and neither is bad decisions. What now?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Why does it always rain on me

Hello World! I see you have thwarted me yet again. By being cold, wet and gray.
I had dreams and hopes that you would be warm and welcoming, like the yesterdays of my mind, but alas, dashed hopes and broken dreams litter my life path- or at least for the time being, until the sky opens up again to let the sunshine in.

I don't know why I'm so affected by the weather. California needs rain. I need to go to work. It should all be an easy enough situation when times like these happen. But I don't like rain, especially not today when my bed is extra warm and extra cozy, and the kitties are surprisingly affectionate-trying to steal my warmth. I curse you gray skies, wet pavement, and boring desk job.

Is tomorrow a brighter, sunnier day- fresh without mistakes, yet?